Maria Margaret "Peggy" Kilgariff McLaughlin
My Mom's Early Years
My mom was born in Brooklyn, NY. She was born in the Methodist Episcopal Hospital. (As was my dad, myself, and two other of my siblings!)

(From Hometalk the Star, Brooklyn, Fri., 24 Aug 1928, pg 14; from va Ancestry)
(Photo in the possession of author; professional photo by Valeche, Brooklyn
Her mom, Margaret "Pearl" Charles McCann, was born to Irish immigrants, but her dad, John Francis Kilgariff, was born in Ireland and came to American in 1920. Her parents were older. Her mother was 42, her father 38. She had no siblings. She lived in a 4-story brownstone at 91 Fourth Avenue, on the edge of Park Slope, Brooklyn:
(Courtesey NYC Municipal Archives)(via
Her aunt and uncle and five children lived on the bottom two floors. Her grandparents lived on a floor. I think she and her parents lived on the top floor.
The view from the backyard. You can see the fences separating yards.
She and her family attended St. Augustine Church in Park Slope at 116 Sixth Avenue. She was baptized there, went to elementary school there, confirmed there, and was married there.
Notice my grandmother's gray hair! She was 42 when my mom was born. And my mom has no hair (just like we kids did and my children, too)
In front of the house on Fourth Avenue. I love my grandmother's coat (raccoon?) and flapper hat.

Toddling on Fourth Avenue, below. Further below, mom with her tricycle by the steps outside her house.
Elementary school picture, but I don't know what grade. About 2nd? 3rd?
(Family snapshots in the possession of the author)