Thursday, January 13, 2022



 The 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks challenge by Amy Johnson Crowe for January 18 is
"Favorite Photo"

This is my favorite. Isn't it neat? Don't you love the clothing? On the right a bit of the Gibson Girl look with the large hat; a leg o' mutton sleeve on the left, and in the center the gentleman's straw boater? The photo is from 1910. It was taken in Brooklyn, at Coney Island. 

On the right is my mother's mother. Her name at the time was Margaret Charles McCann, but her nickname was Pearl. She was 24 in this photo. It's her handwriting on the right side of the photo.

The woman on the left is her Aunt Mary "Minnie" Sherlock McCann, who was her mom's sister. She was about 34 years old.

In the center is Minnie's husband, Michael James "Jim" McCann, who I believe, was Pearl's dad's nephew. If he wasn't a nephew, he was related to her dad. He would've been 41 here.

Minnie and Jim were on an extended visit from Belfast, Ireland. Pearl's parents had emigrated from there a few years before Pearl was born.

Here's the back of the post card. The card was addressed to Minnie's mother:

The description printed on the card says it's from Somach's Studios, Loop the Loop, Surf Avenue, Balmer's Walk, Coney Island, N.Y.  I have a feeling they weren't really at the Loop the Loop ride at Coney Island, maybe just at a photo studio with a backdrop or mock up of a car from the Loop the Loop? The Loop the Loop itself was taken down in 1910 so it may already have been gone when this photo was taken? 

The address on the postcard is the one my grandmother's grandfather's (Minnie's dad) was living at when he passed away in 1941. How my grandmother got the postcard, I don't know. I do know she visited her grandfather with her parents and my mom in 1935. Perhaps he gave it to her then?

Here is a photo of Surf Avenue with the Loop the Loop.  
Link to the site online where the photo is from:

Here is a closer photo and of the ride. 

1 comment:

  1. Mom had a picture from Coney Island. It’s from studio and shows Neil McCann and May Belle Abbott in the front seat of a fake car. Mom said it was from before they were married. Another couple is posed behind them in the back seat of the car. I’ve forgotten who they are. The photo may be at Dougs.


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